Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Nintendo's Wi-Fi has discontinued

Nintendo's Wi-Fi has discontinued in today.
The error code is 20110.
Shiren DS's Wi-Fi has discontinued in 3(?) years ago. http://tinycartridge.com/post/8142567881/sega-leaves-shiren-off-to-die
Mega Man Star Force's Wi-Fi is still work.
All of the First party games have been discontinued, but not all including Third party games. Check in May 30, it discontinued completely.

Red: Discontinued in today.
Purple: Discontinued in past.
Green: Still work. Discontinued in after days. Replaced Yellow color.

Mario Kart DS
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Heroes of Mana
Luminous Arc
Shiren the Wanderer DS
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Mega Man Star Force 1
Mega Man Star Force 2

Wi-Fi supported games are Wi-Fi logo in cover. Be attention, all of the First party games are discontinued on Worldwide. No games are left.

1 comment:

  1. Check again. Wi-Fi supported Third-party games are discontinued completely.
    No longer available on every games.
